Hello, I am

Yuka Nakamura

I am an undergraduate Computer Science student at Purdue University set to graduate in 2025.


Programming Language and Tools


Purdue University

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, CS182 (Foundations of Computer Science)
Spring 2023

- Hosted office hours to answer students’ questions about the course content
- Assisted graduate teaching assistant with teaching supplemental course material and grading coursework

Purdue Hackers

Organizer, Design Committee
Fall 2021 - Present

- Organized workshops and events catered to undergraduate students at Purdue including HammerWars, a competitive programming competition with over 100 participants
- Coordinated the fundraising efforts for the organization by creating the information packet for the sponsors of Purdue Hackers
- Initiated recruitment efforts for the organization by interviewing and communicating with potential design committee applicants
- Designed flyers for the workshops and events using Canva

CS Bridge Program

Undergraduate TA
Summer 2022

- Assisted the incoming freshman Computer Science students with their programming labs using Java
- Organized a Git workshop explaining basic version control commands


Research Project in AI Data Science Studies

Fall 2022 - Present

- Working on a machine learning project involving Optical Character Recognition(OCR) for mathematical equations with Dr. Gang Shao using Python and Transformers
- Trained the TrOCR model with data that includes photos of equations and LaTeX mathematical symbols

Song Recommender: Song-search iOS app

Front-end, Back-end
Spring 2022

- Developed an iOS app which recommends similar songs to users using their Spotify account
- Implemented the search function of the app by using the Spotify Web API to retrieve data about similar tracks and their album artworks/preview audio